Experience the Wisdom of Buddha

Through Guided Meditation

Allow your meditation to be guided by the original teachings of the Buddha, available in short, medium and long sessions.

How to Meditate Authentically

Use the BuddhaWord app to guide your meditation practice with the actual teachings of the historical Buddha.

find a comfortable spot img
Start your Journey

Give yourself a gift, by taking some time to sit comfortably in a peaceful and secure place. Allow the Buddha to guide you through an intimate exploration of a fascinating inner world—the moment-to-moment experience of your own mind and body

Tune in to Buddhaword
Tune in to BuddhaWord

With the help of these audio tracks, you can follow the same instructions that have guided the contemplative journey of millions of people over thousands of years. The early teachings of the Buddha, carefully preserved and handed down by generations, are now presented in a form easily accessible to the modern world.

Start with short audios
Start with short audios

Each of the 65 audio tracks are available in short, medium, and long versions, with longer periods of silence between each of the guiding phrases. Beginners will want to start with the shorter versions, in order to maintain attention, but more experienced users will value longer periods of silence.

BuddhaWord's Offerings
Authentic Teachings
Our audio tracks are translations of the original teachings of the historical Buddha, providing access to the timeless guidance of the master teacher himself.

Translated from the Pali texts of the Theravada Buddhist tradition, each audio file is accompanied with an explanatory commentary and a transcript with the English and original Pali side by side.

The Buddha lived in the center of a vibrant contemplative community, and he would regularly instruct and encourage his followers to inquire into the nature of their lived experience with diligence, insight, and wisdom.

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Flexible Durations
Choose from three session lengths—short, medium or long—based on your own levels of engagement.

When beginning the practice of guided meditation, it can be challenging to keep your attention on what is being said as your mind tends to wander off. As you become more familiar with sustaining attention on the present moment, and your skill increases, you will welcome a slower presentation with longer periods of silence.

With BuddhaWord you can choose the pace of the audio guidance you are following, thereby gradually increasing your ability to more deeply examine the textures and nuances of present moment experience.

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Meditation Timer
As your practice is guided by these audio tracks, you may find that you also want access to some unstructured time. Use our built-in timer function to support additional silent sessions.

After listening to an audio track, many users will want to sit quietly in silence for some length of time. Our alarm feature begins and ends with a gentle bell, allowing you to set the duration of time in between.

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About BuddhaWord

The Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, lived in India in the fifth century BCE. After achieving enlightenment at age 36, he spent 45 years teaching meditation and developing a deep insight into the causes of—and solution to—human suffering. His teachings were memorized and passed down through the generations, forming the foundation of the Buddhist traditions that have moved across Asia and around the world over the last 2,500 years. These original teachings are still often chanted, but in the rapid stylized monotone of monastic communities more interested in preserving them and passing them along than of using them as scripts for guided meditation. In the Buddha's time these same phrases would have been pronounced slowly, with spacing for silent practice, by people who perfectly understood the ancient language and were learning and refining their meditation skills. BuddhaWord offers direct translations of these early teachings, updated for modern listeners and recorded in a form that is accessible to the tech user who has come to discover the inestimable value of practicing meditation.

BuddhaWord provides freely offered brief tracks, with deeper explorations available through affordable subscriptions. Tracks are organized from basic to advanced and come in short, medium, and long durations to suit your needs. Start with shorter sessions for focus and gradually extend your practice. Meditation is about observing your mind, directly and immediately, without judgment or other conceptual overlay. This practice may seem unusual and even awkward at first, as the value of 'simply being' rather than 'doing something' is generally under-recognized in our culture. But with time it becomes easier to remain focused on inner experience, interest in what is discovered becomes increasingly compelling, and a person gradually develops insight and gains wisdom. The guidance provided by these texts help navigate this contemplative journey effectively.

Our translations from the Pali Canon are updated for modern ears while maintaining fidelity to the original texts. Several modifications are made, such as gender-neutral verbs, the removal of vocative interjections, and in some cases the reordering of the syntax. Transcripts are provided for each of the audio tracks, with both the English and the Pali side by side, so the user can easily compare with other standard translations. The creator of BuddhaWord is a professor of early Buddhist language and thought as well as a seasoned meditator and has spent a long career working at integrating academic study with practical experience.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is BuddhaWord?
BuddhaWord is a collection of audio files offering guided meditations based on the teachings of the historical Buddha. They are newly translated directly from the earliest texts of the Pali Canon using language that is accessible and appropriate for modern listeners.
Many have discovered the benefits of mindfulness practice and are ready for their meditation to be guided through the classical teachings of the historical Buddha. By going deeper, people can gain important insights that transform their understanding of themselves and their world.
Mindfulness involves being fully aware of present moment experience, simply observing what is happening with equanimity and interest. It accesses a state of peaceful ease that provides a refuge from stress and other mental afflictions, and ultimately leads to greater insight and wisdom. 
Our audio files are accompanied with transcripts showing the original Pali text (with references) and the updated English translation—side by side. We thereby preserve the essence of the early teachings while making this guidance easily accessible for today’s users.
The Buddha taught people to explore the lived experience of their own mind and body in the present moment, and as such the practices outlined here have universal appeal. They are still relevant to some Buddhists but are unknown to others and are often practiced in secular contexts.
You can start by downloading our app from the [App Store] or [Google Play Store]. We offer a range of free tracks to get you started, with deeper explorations available through affordable subscriptions. Our audio tracks are organized from basic to more advanced. 
Each audio is offered in three lengths: short, medium, and long. Beginners will want to start with the short versions, to allow for maintaining attention. As you become more practiced, longer periods of silence between the guiding phrases allows for a more thorough investigation of your experience.
After listening to some guided meditations, you may want to practice on your own in silence without ongoing audio instructions. The timer allows you to easily set yourself various periods of silence before a gentle concluding bell signals the end of the session.
Yes, anyone will find these practices interesting and helpful. Each audio track has a helpful commentary to introduce it, and we provide guided meditations that start with basic principles and gradually introduce more advanced concepts. This structure helps you build your practice step by step.
Andrew Olendzki, a professor and a seasoned meditator, has considerable experience integrating academic study with the practice of meditation. This program continues a lifetime of work at the interface of classical Buddhist thought and lived experience in the modern world.
It is best to find a quiet, comfortable spot for meditation, and to put aside some time—if only a few minutes—for fully immersing yourself in the exploration of your own body and mind. There is no way of doing this wrong; it is simply an invitation to use your mind in a different way that we are used to doing. 
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